Monday, May 10, 2010

The lingering question..inflation or deflation?

Watch This Level-Headed Version Of Marc Faber Completely Disembowel The Logic Behind Europe's Bailout Fund

I am constantly torn between these two outcomes. Will we suffer a deflationary collapse on the backs of populism inspired political austerity? Will the governments simply paper over the mistakes of the past with fiat money? The latter is the path of least resistance..perhaps the truth is somewhere in between..


  1. How about deflation....which has been present for a while in terms of credit availability and some price segments....and then insane inflation down the road?

    Can't go wrong that way! hahaha


  2. Dark...or the opposite...inflation then deflation..huge global QE (US, Japan, UK, now EUR) followed by emergence of "real money" then deflation? =)
