Saturday, July 24, 2010

Everyone wonders this type of thing...

I read Schroedinger's Cat in 1994.  You can learn more of it, and quantum physics here:ödinger's_cat

Fascinating clip follows:


  1. oh, rate, I love stuff like this. maybe it's because I'm an old former stoner? hahahaha

    but really, it's the rock bottom explanation for herd instinct, social mood, EW, market technicals...and why people get so cross when their idea of reality is challenged. nobody likes finding out that what they think is real is, at various levels, simply an agreed-upon fabrication.

    thanks for posting this! excellent and mind expanding.

  2. sorry about the typo...rati, not rate! lol!

  3. Dark! Or is it Dirk? J/K!

    Yah, I stumbled upon it and it rekindled a bunch of memories and theories that I have about the fabric of society, and how the universe is interconnected. It's curious to consider these factors when engaging people and try to ascertain their propensity to be conscious of the possibilities.

    Those who embrace the possibility without being blind are those who I tend to align with..such as yourself sir =)

  4. I never thought of that. But you're right, trying to figure out how people look at the universe, even without doing so consciously, is an important part of the 'feeling out' process. Very interesting, that was something I didn't realize I did....and now I have to mull the various ways in which clues are given....:-)
